"""DFT ground state calculation of Co(hcp).""" # Script modules from gpaw import GPAW, PW, FermiDirac from ase.build import bulk # ---------- Inputs ---------- # # Crystal structure a = 2.5071 c = 4.0695 mm = 1.67 # Calculator parameters xc = 'LDA' pw = 800 # eV # For a hcp crystal, a k-point grid that samples a multiple of 6 k-points # along all axes will support calculations at the high-symmetry points M, K and # A. For this tutorial, we choose N_k^(1/3)=24. kpts = 24 # final grid is (kpts, kpts, kpts) nbands_mft = 2 * 6 # natoms * (4s + 3d) nbands_gs = nbands_mft + 2 * 4 # + natoms * (4p + 5s) conv = {'density': 1.e-8, 'forces': 1.e-8, 'bands': nbands_mft} # Converge only the bands needed subsequently occw = 0.001 # Fermi temperature in eV # ---------- Script ---------- # # Set up crystal structure atoms = bulk('Co', 'hcp', a=a, c=c) atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments([mm, mm]) atoms.center() calc = GPAW(xc='LDA', mode=PW(pw), kpts={'size': (kpts, kpts, kpts), 'gamma': True}, nbands=nbands_gs, convergence=conv, occupations=FermiDirac(occw), txt='Co_gs.txt') atoms.calc = calc atoms.get_potential_energy() # Save the ground state w.o. the Kohn-Sham orbitals calc.write('Co.gpw')